The Wall That Heals upcoming visit to Crivitz in June

Please help spread the word about this important event with fellow veterans and supporters. See the notes and information below from Rebecca Deschane.

  • Site Logistics:

Our exhibit dates for Crivitz will be June 1 - June 4, 2023. The exhibit is free and open 24 hours until its close at 2 p.m. on June 4.

It will be hosted at the Crivitz-Stephenson Historical Museum, across from the Crivitz High School N104 Oak Street, Crivitz, WI 54114.

The exhibit will arrive in the area May 30 and we are currently working on the logistics for the escort to the exhibit site.

Set up will take place May 31 and take down will start at 2 p.m. on June 4.

  • Volunteer Opportunities:

The Wall will be open 24 hours per day and as host committee, we will need to provide volunteers to help visitors with any questions they may have.

We welcome any and all volunteers throughout the exhibit days and encourage interested individuals to visit The Village of Crivitz website or our SignUpGenius link.

Please feel free to direct any questions or requests for alternate options to me: or 920-246-6038.

  • In Memory Program:

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) manages the In Memory program, which honors Vietnam veterans who returned home and later died as a result of their service due to Agent Orange, PTSD/Suicide, cancer and other causes related to their service.

As part of exhibit, VVMF honors veterans from the State the exhibit is being hosted through a special In Memory display on their mobile education trailer.

Families of Vietnam veterans who have passed can complete a short application that is submitted to VVMF for review and approval. To be included in this year's Wisconsin exhibits, applications should be submitted by April 15 and no later than April 30. (Rhinelander is also a host site this year May 18-21)

Families need to submit the application (link below), a copy of the veteran's DD214, 2 photos and a copy of the death certificate

The application and more information on the In Memory program can be found here.

In addition to our website, we will also share updates through our Facebook page.

“Thank you for your help in sharing this opportunity with your network.  We very much appreciate your support!  I look forward to connecting with you again soon to talk further about opportunities to welcome any groups that express interest in attending. Our goal is to truly extend a very sincere "Welcome Home and Welcome Back" for our Vietnam veterans” (Rebecca Deschane , 2023).